
Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in book_prev() (line 775 of /home/drbiz/public/

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Analytics : X3DNode {


This node is just starting to be defined. The description below is more of a concept of what the node might capture. The issues of extracting the information from the node and making it avaialble to the developer has not yet been addressed.The information might be quite extensive. It is probably not a good idea to make the information available via ROUTE on every frame. Different implementations may provide different granularity of information depending on licensing. The method of node referral also needs to be worked out. 

Analytics instructs the browser to collect information about the user's interaction with the scene. The interaction may includes system information (hardware, software, etc.), viewpoint tracking, objects in view, objects near view center, interactions (touch, change, etc.). 

The objects field provides a list of node references. Options inlude node by DEF,  node by ID, nodes by class.

The label field is used for output. All analytics collected by this node include the value of label in the results so various aspects of the scene can be identified.