Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in _menu_load_objects() (line 579 of /home/drbiz/public/

Revision of HTML profile from Wed, 11/02/2016 - 19:00

Note: This section has not been updated to reflect the latest nodes and components.

The content comprising this profile resides in an HTML file or is accessed from an HTML either in the HTML or JSON encoding. An X3D DOM Environemnt browser must support both encodings. This profile is a super-set of the Model profile. It has corresponding extensions for support of the Model profile extensions. All nodes and fields supported by the Base Model profile are supported in this profile. Extensions to this profile support all nodes and fields supported by the same extension Model profile. As with the Model profile, it is allowed to specify zero or more extensions.

The HTML profile types are

  1. Base
  2. CAD
  3. Geospatial
  4. H-Anim
  5. Volume

All nodes supported in the HTML base profile. Nodes that are in the Model base profile have a lavendar background. Nodes that are new or changed from X3D V3.3 are italized. These nodes are listed last in the list of each section.

  1. Core
    1. Structure
    2. MetadataBoolean
    3. MetadataDouble
    4. MetadataFloat
    5. MetadataInteger
    6. MetadataSet
    7. MetadataString
    8. WorldInfo
  2. Time
    1. Animate
    2. TimeSensor
  3. Networking
    1. Anchor
    2. ExternalGeometry
    3. Inline
    4. LoadSensor
  4. Grouping
    1. Switch
    2. Group
    3. Transform
  5. Rendering
    1. ClipPlane
    2. Color
    3. ColorRGBA
    4. Coordinate
    5. IndexedLineSet
    6. IndexedTriangleFanSet
    7. IndexedTriangleSet
    8. IndexedTriangleStripSet
    9. LineSet
    10. Normal
    11. PointSet
    12. TriangleFanSet
    13. TriangleSet
    14. TriangleStripSet
  6. Shape
    1. Appearance
    2. Material
    3. Shape
    4. TwoSidedMaterial
  7. Geometry3D
    1. Box
    2. Cone
    3. Cylinder
    4. IndexedFaceSet
    5. Sphere
    6. Torus
  8. Sound
    1. AudioClip
    2. Sound
  9. Lighting
    1. DirectionalLight
    2. PointLight
    3. SpotLight
  10. Texturing
    1. ImageTexture
    2. MovieTexture
    3. MultiTexture
    4. MultiTextureCoordinate
    5. MultiTextureTransform
    6. PixelTexture
    7. TextureCoordinate
    8. TextureCoordinateGenerator
    9. TextureProperties
    10. TextureTransform
  11. Interpolation
    1. Interpolate
    2. EaseInEaseOut
    3. SplinePositionInterpolator
    4. SplinePostionInterpolator2D
    5. SplineScalarInterpolator
    6. SquadOrientationInterpolator
    7. ColorInterpolator
    8. CoordinateInterpolator
    9. NormalInterpolator
    10. OrientationInterpolator
    11. PositionInterpolator
    12. PositionInterpolator2D
    13. ScalarInterpolator
  12. Pointing device sensor
    1. CylinderSensor
    2. PlaneSensor
    3. SphereSensor
    4. TouchSensor
  13. EnvironmentalSensor
    1. ProximitySensor
    2. TransformSensor
    3. VisibilitySensor
  14. Navigation
    1. Collision
    2. LOD
    3. NavigationInfo
    4. OrthoViewpoint
    5. Viewpoint
    6. ViewpointGroup
  15. Environmental Effects
    1. Background
    2. Fog
    3. FogCoordinate
    4. LocalFog
    5. TextureBackground
  16. Particle systems
    1. BoundedPhysicsModel
    2. ConeEmitter
    3. ExplosionEmitter
    4. ForcePhysicsModel
    5. ParticleSystem
    6. PointEmitter
    7. PolylineEmitter
    8. SurfaceEmitter
    9. VolumeEmitter
    10. WindPhysicsModel


Nodes in these X3D V3.3 components might be considered for inclusion in the HTML profile. The Programmable shader nodes are especially important for handing split screen and other effects, through only the WebGL shader language would be required.

  1. Key device sensor (perhaps in HTML?)
  2. Programmable shaders
  3. Rigid body physics
  4. Picking Sensor


Need new structures to support the following nodes/node-concepts. If adopted, they would need to be defined and developed.

  • HTML nodes (displays HTML content in the X3D scene. Need to render the HTML and put it into the scene graph.
  • Means to increase triangulation on built-in nodes
  • Investigate an SVG node (perhaps part of HTML)