Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in _menu_load_objects() (line 579 of /home/drbiz/public/

Revision of Model profile from Wed, 11/02/2016 - 19:01

Note: This section has not been updated to reflect the latest nodes, components, and profiles.

The model profiles are built from a base model profile. Various extensions can be added to include more modeling capabilities. This is similar to the Components statement, but is not explicitly defined as such because of a possible conflict between Component:Level definitions and the nodes and fields available in the profile. Zero or more extensions can be specified to the base model profile.

The model profile types are

  1. Base
  2. CAD
  3. Geospatial
  4. H-Anim
  5. Volume

All model profiles contain at least the Base functionality. The Base Model profile contains the following nodes (using the names of the X3D components from Sections 7-41. Highlighted nodes differ from the V3.3 X3D nodes.

  1. Core
    1. Structure
    2. MetadataBoolean
    3. MetadataDouble
    4. MetadataFloat
    5. MetadataInteger
    6. MetadataSet
    7. MetadataString
    8. WorldInfo
  2. Time
    1. TimeSensor
    2. Animate (new node)
  3. Grouping
    1. Group
    2. Transform
  4. Rendering
    1. Color
    2. ColorRGBA
    3. Coordinate
    4. IndexedLineSet
    5. IndexedTriangleFanSet
    6. IndexedTriangleSet
    7. IndexedTriangleStripSet
    8. LineSet
    9. Normal
    10. PointSet
    11. TriangleFanSet
    12. TriangleSet
    13. TriangleStripSet
  5. Shape
    1. Appearance
    2. Material
    3. Shape
    4. TwoSidedMaterial
  6. Geometry3D
    1. Box
    2. Cone
    3. Cylinder
    4. IndexedFaceSet
    5. Sphere
    6. Torus
  7. Texturing
    1. ImageTexture
    2. MovieTexture
    3. MultiTexture
    4. MultiTextureCoordinate
    5. MultiTextureTransform
    6. PixelTexture
    7. TextureCoordinate
    8. TextureCoordinateGenerator
    9. TextureProperties
    10. TextureTransform
  8. Interpolation
    1. Interpolate (new node)
    2. ColorInterpolator
    3. CoordinateInterpolator
    4. NormalInterpolator
    5. OrientationInterpolator
    6. PositionInterpolator
    7. PositionInterpolator2D
    8. ScalarInterpolator