Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in _menu_load_objects() (line 579 of /home/drbiz/public/

Revision of Concepts from Wed, 11/02/2016 - 18:51

The following conventions are used throughout this part of ISO/IEC 19775:

Italics are used for field names, and are also used when new terms are introduced and equation variables are referenced.

A fixed-space font is used for URL addresses and source code examples.

Node type names are appropriately capitalized (e.g., "The Transform node is a grouping node..."). However, the concept of the node is often referred to in lower case in order to refer to the semantics of the node, not the node itself (e.g., "To scale the transform ...").

The form "0xhh" expresses a byte as a hexadecimal number representing the bit configuration for that byte.

Throughout this part of ISO/IEC 19775, references to International Standards cite the number of the standard and hyperlinks to the reference in 2 Normative references. References to portions of this International Standard consist of the clause or subclause number followed by the title of the clause or subclause. The text consisting of the number and title is hyperlinked to the referenced material. References to external documents that are not International Standards are denoted using the "x.[ABCD]" notation, where "x" denotes in which clause the reference is described and "[ABCD]" is an abbreviation of the reference title. For the Bibliography, the "x." is omitted.

In addition, the first reference to a node or node type in a subclause will be hyperlinked to the definition of that node or node type.

EXAMPLE "2.[ABCD]" refers to a reference described in 2 Normative references and [ABCD] refers to a reference described in the Bibliography.