Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in _menu_load_objects() (line 579 of /home/drbiz/public/

Revision of NavigationMode from Sun, 07/09/2017 - 09:07

NavigationMode : XSeen {
['none', 'orbit', 'fly']


Controls how user interaction with the scene causes user-directed camera motion in the scene. The types of motion are controlled with the type field. A value of 'none' means that no user-directed motion is allowed. Defined values are

  1. none - No user-directed motion
  2. orbit - Rotation about the scene center for a maximum of +/- pi radians in the X-Z plane and +/- pi/2 radians vertically. The local Y-axis is always up.
  3. trackball - Similar to 'orbit', but without the restriction on range of motion nor Y-up.
  4. examine - Synonym for 'trackball'
  5. fly - Fly through the scene