Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in _menu_load_objects() (line 579 of /home/drbiz/public/

Revision of Animate from Wed, 06/21/2017 - 21:25

<p>This node animates one field in the parent node. The field is specified by <em>field</em>. The animation starts at the current value of that field for the rendered node as animates to the <em>to</em> value. <em>to</em> is initially treated as an array of floating point values that are converted to the data-type of <em>field</em>.</p>

<p>The <em>delay </em>field specifies the delay from when the animation clock starts until the field first changes from this animation. The duration of each cycle of the animation is provided by <em>duration</em>. All times are in seconds. The animation clkock starts as soon as the initial scene is loaded. The animation cycles <em>repeat </em>times. A vale of -1 indicates that the animation should always repeat.</p>

<p>The appearance of the animation is controlled by the fields <em>interpolator</em>, <em>Easing</em>, and <em>EasingType</em>. The interpolator value determines what space the animation occurs. [Note; the code uses the datatype of <em>field</em> to determine the interpolator. The interpolator is always linear in positon-space for SFVec3f (e.g., translation, scale), unit sphere for SFRotation (slerp), and HSL space for SFColor).]</p>

<p>The <em>Easing </em>and <em>EasingType </em>determine how the animation interacts with the start and end points. The <em>EasingType</em> only has an impact of the side of the interpolation specified by <em>Easing</em> - in for the start, and out for the end. If <em>Easing </em>is not specified than <em>EasingType </em>is linear. Everything except linear generates smoother animations.</p>