

This is the X3D code for htmlAnimation4.x3d. This is also used htmlAnimation7.x3d by changing the 4 to 7 in cycleInterval. There are other minor but important changes from other incarnations of the animated basic scene having to do with assigning IDs to various tags and setting the enabled field to FALSE.


The HTML (including inline JavaScript) that provides the HTML/X3DOM interaction. jQuery is used to manage the DOM events and controls. A mouse-over event causes the scene state to change. The non-standard attributes mapdeftoid and namespacename are needed to include the X3D code into the DOM.


The X3D script code in controller.js

function hover (event, time) {
    if (event) {
        changeColor = new SFColor (1, 0, 1);
    } else {
        changeColor = new SFColor (0, 1, 0);


This X3D code structure is used for all cases when two animated basic scenes are shown. This particular example is for doubleInine.x3d.

If the filename has the suffix '-Rate', then the digit 4 in second Inline's url is changed to 7.

If the reference filename is touchAnimation-Rate.x3d, then the value of the url field in the Inline nodes is touchAnimation with the appropriate digit and extension.